

There are a ton of products that give desperate people the promise of turning fat into muscle with a simple herbal blend that will make you a complete success story. Lets get one thing straight. It is a physical impossibility to turn fat into muscle as they are two totally  different forms of body tissue! Building muscle tissue and losing fat at the same time is also known as a body recomposition. This is also a very difficult goal to achieve for many people as your diet and workouts have to really be on point for an extended period of time.

There is a new breed of supplements that have been on the market for a few years known as SARMs which is an acronym for selective androgen receptor modulator.

Androgen receptors regulate the effects of hormones and gene expressions. When someone takes steroids it activates the receptors and tells them to do awesome things like grow muscle tissue and increase strength but also tells those receptors to do shitty things like cause acne, increase estrogen levels, or elevate blood pressure. SARMs activate the receptors in a way that is selective to only the favorable qualities rather than the bad, thus being called selective androgen receptor modulators.

I recently completed an 8 week cycle of a product called OstaShred with is an incredibly versatile product which really shines during a cut or recomposition.  With this product I was consuming 200 to 500 calories below maintenance and lifting weights 6 days a week with an interval based routine lasting one to one and a half hours at a time.  I was only doing cardio 2 or 3 times a week.  The end result was that I lost three pounds but went down 2 pant sizes. This is absolute proof that I built muscle and lost fat at the same time. I was particularly impressed with the amount of muscle that was put onto my deltoids as this has always been an area of needed improvement for me and now they are in a much better balance to the rest of my body.  The best thing about this product was the overall sense of well being that I had while taking it.

What exactly is in this product and how does it work?

Ostarine is a pharmaceutical compound that will more than likely one day become a prescription drug that was created to treat diseases that cause muscle wasting and osteoporosis. The first study of this compound found that as little as 3mg per day was anabolic and worked almost exclusively on building skeletal muscle tissue. Some research has shown that Ostarine actually increases your free testosterone by filling up the androgen receptors and allowing your testosterone to not  be devoted  to working solely on the receptor which would explain the sense of well being that I had along with the giant increase in libido  around the fourth week.

OstaShred has a second ingredient in it called arimistane. Arimistane is an aromatase inhibitor or what could also be referred to as an estrogen blocker. When your testosterone levels go up, your body naturally tries to balance out your hormones by raising your estrogen levels to match it. This is why body builders who use an utterly stupid amount of gear end up having to worry about gynecomastia. An aromatase inhibitor tells your body not to convert that testosterone to estrogen which keeps you feeling good, keeps water weight down, and helps keep unwanted side effects away. Arimistane also lowers cortisol which is our body’s natural stress hormone and  is released in response to fear or stress by the adrenal glands as part of our built in survival mechanism. High levels of cortisol have been shown to lower immune system functions, interfere with memory/learning, raise blood pressure, and increase weight gain.

Ostashred is literally two products in one and is a real stand out it the ever so sketchy supplement industry because it actually fucking works. Unfortunately, due to the fact that it works, Ostashred probably won’t be around very much longer due to big brother. So, grab a couple of bottles of this while you can at http://www.strongsupplementshop.com/osta-shred-by-hard-rock-supplements