
The Main Three

4-Andro: This wet compound converts directly to the master of all male hormones, testosterone. This is used as the testosterone base in most cycles as it counteracts lethargy from other compounds used within a stack, will provide some aggression for the gym, and keeps you sex drive high. The negatives with 4-Andro is that it can convert to estrogen which could cause gyno, therefore a countermeasure such as an aromatase inhibiter or an estrogen reducing pro hormone(Epi-Andro) be taken with it. Another possibility would be prostate enlargement after long term use since it does convert directly to testosterone(take on cycle support  that has saw palmetto to counteract this)

1-Andro: This is probably the best prohormone in existence! There was a West Texas A&M University study done on this compound which showed that with a clean diet and solid weight training program, 11 pounds of muscle was obtained( the study even compared it to a milligram  to milligram injection of testosterone enathate). This compound does not convert to estrogen or DHT, so estrogen and hair loss are not an issue, and is great for someone who wants to obtain a leaner look or get cut up.  It produces lean and steady gains, however it can, temporarily lower good cholesterol, cause some lethargy if you aren’t taking in enough calories or using a test base, I have have personally noticed(when ran without a test base) is just a little bit of joint pain due to it being such a dry compound.

Epi-Andro: This compound converts to the compound standalone, which is a DHT derivative. The major benefits are increased libido, lean muscle gains, accelerated strength gains, and estrogen reduction. The only real downside to Epi-Andro is that since it does convert to DHT, it can accelerate hair loss if you are genetically prone male pattern baldness.


Here are a few additional compounds worth mentioning:

Arimistane (Androst 3,5 dien-7, 17 dione): while this isn’t actually a prohormone but it is probably the best  nonprescription  anti-estrogen on the market. This is very comparable to the drug aromasin and also reduces cortisol levels along with water weight.

R-Andro/Androsterone- This is basically a stronger, more potent form of Epi-Andro and converts to DHT. This is a more expensive ingredient to use in manufacturing, therefore, is not very common. This will increase muscle harness, provide very lean gains, and will reduce estrogen related side effects.

19-NorAndro: Norandrostenediol converts to Nandrolone and is 6x more anabolic that testosterone but has very little conversion to estrogen or DHT. This dry compound produces slow and steady gains and helps increase strength and mass.  This compound is very similar to the steroid deca-nandrolone which can strengthen joint but can also lower sex. This is where the term ‘deca dick’ comes from.

7-Keto: This is a metabolite of regular DHEA and that has has many of the same benefits but does not convert to any sex hormones. It activates the enzymes are responsible for fatty acid and carbohydrate metabolism. Although it doesn’t really build muscle,  it’s main benefit is reducing cortisol levels.

1,4 Andro: This is mostly a dry compound that has little to no conversion to DHT or estrogen and stimulates the production of red bloods cells which makes this ideal for endurance athletes.



How To Run A Cycle.

The first time a person runs a pro-hormone cycle, it needs to be done in moderation. New users should only use one compound for just 30 days so that you can see exactly how your body reacts and keep it at a sane dosage (no more than 300mg to 400mg).
You will also need to choose the compound which is right for your body type. A skinny guy who has a hard time gaining weight should go with a wet compound such as 4-Andro. A heavier set guy should go with a dry compound such as Epi-Andro to add lean mass or 1-Andro to add muscle and drop body fat.

An on-cycle protection and a post-cycle therapy are a must. An AI or anti-estrogen are always suggested during use of a wet compound but can be added to a 1-Andro cycle to help get leaner or more cut. The chart below shows solid protocol for a first time cycle.

image Once you have ran a couple of single compound cycles and understand how your body reacts to them, you can start stacking them together to achieve even greater results. You can also run them for longer periods but I  would not suggest going any longer than 8 weeks on cycle. Below are a couple of more advanced stacks.



As far as what brands to use, I would stick with the following companies listed below. These are brands that I have personally used before and got good results from. There are several other names that I have used but was not at all impressed with.

Primeval Labs 

Blackstone Labs 

Hard Rock Supplements

Olympus Labs