
I can’t stand when someone bashes something and doesn’t know what they are talking about. But it is also very upsetting when companies market something as completely safe because they have an agenda of making money as their priority, rather than the safety of the customers.

If you need a good example of what I’m talking about, just get on YouTube and type in SARMs or Ostarine and you might find  an Italian guy with tattoos who seems to have all the answers , is constantly claiming to be “your friend who is looking out for you”, and assures you that Ostarine is completely safe. Guess what, he also just happens to have affiliation with several very shady websites which sells all of the safe?? Compounds he constantly promotes.

There is a very important, aspect of Ostarine  and it’s safety that no one seems to talk about. Where it comes from?

Ostarine is derived from a drug known as Bicalutamid.

Bicalutamide is a drug for men with prostate cancer and works as anti-androgenic compound.  It is not for women and absolutely not for pregnant woman or those who care about their ovaries.


Taken from

Although bicalutamide is not for use by women, this medicine can cause birth defects if a woman is exposed to it during pregnancy.’

Everything I have read indicates that under no circumstances should a woman ever so much as get close to  bicalutamide. Therefore I find it incredibly irresponsible that Ostarine is constantly being suggested and marketed to women.

I also believe that it is naïve to think that since ostarine is just a derivative of bicalutamide, the compound has lost the harmful effects of its parent drug. Since it is still in the research phase, no one can say for sure if the side effects are less or maybe even worse.


Now as far as men go….


Taken from

This drug can affect your reproductive system, resulting in sperm production becoming irregular or stopping permanently. In addition, you may experience erectile dysfunction or a decreased desire for sex during treatment. Talk to your urologist about options for treating erectile dysfunction.Exposure of an unborn child to this medication could cause birth defects, so you should not father a child while on this medication. Effective birth control is necessary during treatment, even if you believe you are not producing sperm. You may want to consider sperm banking if you may wish to have a child in the future. Discuss these options with your oncology team.’

My unprofessional opinionion, in regards to the studies, is that men should “clean out” the possibly damaged sperms for six months following an Ostarine cycle.  I also think it would be very wise to have a sperm analysis done with a doctor if you plan on having children.

My other opinion is that you are truely rolling the dice with your long term health when taking a research chemical like Ostarine because the long term effects aren’t yet known.

I personally do not think that the rewards are worth the risks!

I have done 3 cycles of Ostarine and all three were different brands. To be honest, the only cycle that I got any results from was when I ran Ostashred by HardRock Supplements. One brand which is based out of the UK, did absolutely nothing for me. The other, three letter acronym, really didn’t help with any thing other than some fat lost accompanied with some discomfort in my groin during the third week of my cycle. I’m telling you this because I want everyone to understand that I am writing this having used this compound multiple times.

To be 100% honest, I have seen way better results from non-methylated prohormones which convert to known  hormones that have documented studies dating back over 50 years. 

I want everyone to understand the full picture here rather than just seeing what snake oil salesmen and supplement companies want you to see. Often times, when something is promised to be the holy grail, it is far from the truth.